pair_style lj/BG


pair_style lj/BG cutoff1 cutoff2
  • cutoff1 = global internal cut-off

  • cutoff2 = global external cut-off


The Broughton and Gilmer1 modification to Lennard-Jones potential is given by:

\[\begin{split} U(r_{ln}) = \begin{cases} 4\epsilon\left(\left(\frac{\sigma}{r_{ln}}\right)^{12} -\left(\frac{\sigma}{r_{ln}}\right)^{6} \right)+C_1,\;\mbox{if}\; r_{ln} \leq 2.3\sigma \\ C_2\left(\frac{\sigma}{r_{ln}}\right)^{12} + C_3\left(\frac{\sigma}{r_{ln}}\right)^{6} + C_4\left(\frac{r_{ln}}{\sigma}\right)^2 + C_5,\;\mbox{if}\; r_{ln} \leq 2.5\sigma \\ 0, \; r_{ln} \geq 2.5\sigma \end{cases} \end{split}\]

where \(r_{ln}=|\mathbf{r}_l-\mathbf{r}_n|\) for each couple of atoms \(l,n\) in the system, and \(C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4, C_5\) are constants we used the values reported in Davidchack and Laird2

The constants are hardcorded within the pair style and they do not need to be defined.


J. Q. Broughton and G. H. Gilmer. Molecular dynamics investigation of the crystal–fluid interface. i. bulk properties. Journal of Chemical Physics, 79(10):5095–5104, 1983.


Ruslan L Davidchack and Brian B Laird. Direct calculation of the crystal–melt interfacial free energies for continuous potentials: application to the lennard-jones system. The Journal of chemical physics, 118(16):7651–7657, 2003.